Manager's office
You will be able to control (to monitor) the entire training process for each department and each employee through a single dashboard.
Management of departments, employees, assortment, news, surveys, checklists and work schedules
Generating reports on employees activity and progress
Communication with employees through the built-in messenger
Course builder
Allows you to build a course from your training materials of any format and level of complexity, create from scratch or import ready-made lessons and tests, assign course completion to company divisions, specific positions or specific employees in a matter of minutes.
Selecting the difficulty level of the course (until the employee passes the previous level, the next one will not be opened)
Quick import and export of lessons and tests
Course assignment to units, positions and individual staff members
A logically structured catalog allows you to conveniently place information about your products and services in cards with photos, videos, descriptions, and links, as well as set up recommendations for other items that should be offered along with this item.
Flexible structure of categories and subcategories of the catalog
Adding a product card to favorites
Built-in additional sales functionality
Tests and certifications
Allows you to assess employee knowledge during the training process with open and closed questions. Time, duration, number of attempts and required percentage of correct answers can be assigned at once or on a scheduled basis to specific employees, positions or entire departments.
The "Mock Testing" option shows correct and incorrect answers after passing the test
Assign performance appraisals by schedule, unit, position and individual employees
Screenshots are forbidden, after an attempt to take a screenshot a notification will be sent to the manager and the user will be automatically unlogged.
Statistics and reports
Statistics allow you to quickly find the weak links among employees and the reason for their poor performance, and adjust the training process. A single dashboard provides information on employee activity and department ratings, with the ability to download these reports in any format.
Details of each employee's activity in the application
Monitoring of progress up to the answers to a specific test
Download reports in any format
The main screen of the employee's app with the most up-to-date information: company news, assortment updates, assigned courses, certifications and surveys, changes in work schedules, awards received and ratings.
Publication of scheduled news and event-specific news stories
Ability to create news with or without any attachments
Notification of news read by specific employees
Fixing important news
Surveys and checklists
Create delayed and recurring surveys and checklists that employees must complete on a set schedule.
Create deferred surveys and checklists for employees to complete on a set schedule
Any forms of answers (selection from given answer choices, calendar date and time in hours and minutes, uploading photos and videos)
Downloading reports in any format
The section can be used as a unified knowledge base of the company by placing orders, regulations and other important documents in it
Structured catalogue with search function
Ability to add courses to "Favorites"
Materials in DOC, PDF, MP4 format, etc.
Chat and communication
The app has a two-way chat with employees and push notifications about news and promotions. Send messages, notify about news, promotions, changes in the assortment of all employees at the same time or specific employees.

You can attach any in-app content or an external link to your message.
Two-way chat with employees
Push notifications about news and promotions
Gamification and rating
An internal rating system and gamification make the learning process more efficient. Employees compete against each other and receive rewards for their achievements.
Virtual rewards incentivise employees to be proactive
Certificates for completion of training are used to confirm the required level of knowledge
Transparent scoring system turns learning into a game
Work schedules
Now the most up-to-date work schedule of employees is available at any time in the employee's personal profile.
A single source of shift schedule and work schedule in the employee's phone
Notifications of schedule changes are sent automatically
ServiceGuru is learning anywhere, anytime
Reduce staff turnover
The knowledge gained will help employees to feel free and confident,and to be well versed in the range and product.
Allow your managers to focus on customers, rather than constantly training employees and testing their knowledge.
Give your customers your full attention
Notify employees of news in a timely manner
With a single click, you can inform your employees about events, news, and other important events.
Expose your service from the best sides
Knowledge of the assortment and service will allow your employees to recommend to customers exactly what they would like at the moment.