User Agreement

General provisions

This User Agreement regulates the activities of the Website owned by Service Guru LLC and defines the terms of use by users of the services and materials posted on the website / (hereinafter referred to as the Website). The use of the Site materials is regulated by the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and International legal norms.
A prerequisite for the user's use (including in the form of viewing the content) of the Site is the user's full consent to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy posted on the Site.
The User fills in the fields related to personal data in the Feedback form of the Website: specifying the name, phone number, email address, as well as clicking "Send" by the user is an acceptance of this user agreement. By this action, the User confirms that he is familiar with all the terms of the Agreement and fully understands their meaning, as well as the possible consequences of violating these terms.
The User's use of the Feedback form does not establish a relationship between the Site owner and the user and does not indicate that the Site owner has accepted an order for the provision of services. The information that the user provides through the form is used to answer the question and to contact the user.
The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts its terms.

User Responsibilities

  • The User confirms that when publishing the question, he acts on his own behalf and in his own interests, confirms his consent to the transfer of his personal data to the Site owner by specifying them in response to requests from the Site interface, confirms the accuracy of the personal data provided. The risks associated with the consequences of providing false information by the user are borne by the user himself in full.
  • The User undertakes to use the Site solely for the purpose of obtaining information about the services provided by the Site owner.
  • The User undertakes not to publish materials in matters calling for violation of the law.
  • The user undertakes not to take actions that may interfere with the normal functioning of the site.
  • The User undertakes not to distribute any confidential and protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation information about other individuals or legal entities using the Site.
  • The User undertakes not to use the Site for the dissemination of advertising information.

Responsibility of the Parties

  • The site administration has the right to change the terms of this Agreement unilaterally at any time, which come into force from the moment of their publication.
  • The Site Administration is not responsible for the damage that the user may receive when following the links of other Internet resources posted on the Site.
  • The Site Administration is not responsible for the damage caused to the user as a result of actions taken independently by him, guided by the information posted on the Site.
  • The site administration has the right to disclose information about the user if the current legislation of the Russian Federation requires such disclosure.
  • Any use, appropriation, copying, distribution of information posted on the Site is not allowed and entails the application of liability measures.
  • When quoting Site materials, a link to the Site is required.
  • All disputes related to this Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The User confirms that he is familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and accepts them unconditionally.